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IOS devices: (iPhones or iPads) Launch the App Store through your App or type Tap the magnifying glass on the bottom right of the screen in the App store: Type in MrRebounder then look for the Mr. Rebounder icon

Click the Get button.

ANDROID devices: Launch the App store through your App Type in MrRebounder then look for the Mr. Rebounder icon

Click the Get button

Open the App, On the bottom right you will see an icon with Profile next to it. Click profile and then click Account Info.

The password can be reset using the forgot password feature. If this does not work please contact our service department at [email protected]

We are working on that feature for our next version. In the interim the music can be turned down but it will turn down the notification as well.

The app store downloads the app. To utilize its features purchase the subscription at

The App utilizes the IOS and Android platforms but the App needs to be purchased to utilize its features.