“I wasn’t comfortable creating a one size fits all exercise app.
I decided to create a program that is customizable”
Welcome to MrRebounder™
The MrRebounder™ App: What is it? Why did I create it?
Ever workout using an exercise DVD? How long before you lost interest? Exercise videos are generally based upon the one size fits all feet mentality. They don’t generally accommodate the fitness level of a particular person. Hence most training programs are limited. For many years I have been asked to create a one size fits all feet rebound program that people could follow along with. I didn’t believe in it for long term results. And to me… that’s what it’s all about …. (Alprazolam) helping my customers achieve and retain RESULTS! So one day I called my attorney up with a no vel idea. An idea to create a program for all ages and conditions, whether they were already fit, out of shape, or dealing with physical challenges and/or health issues. I wanted a program for beginning, intermediate, advanced and seniors. I wanted a program that could grow with the person using it; a program that could change and offer a whole library of different routines to choose from; and a program that could be adapted with different music, backgrounds and excitement. I wanted a program that focused less on “working out” and more on “playing in”. It needed to be convenient, with gentle daily reminders and recognition for accomplishments. I wanted it to virtually guarantee results.
Hi, my name is Dave Hall. I am the creator behind the patented and patent pending technology in our MrRebounder™ app. I welcome you to explore it. It is designed to help address weight loss, digestion/elimination, immune sys tems, balance, knee, back, and hip issues, lungs and bronchial tube health, endurance, energy, stress reductio n, muscle building, tightening, toning and more. MrRebounder™ offers over 35 pre-made routines that can be used as is , or adapted and changed to fit your fitness level and objectives. It also offers you the option to create your own routine using our library of 25 pre-made movements. Combine them to make your own personal library of different routines.
It’s Fun: Ask any child how they feel about bouncing up and down.
It’s Gentle: Eliminate the ballistic impact of hitting a hard surface- start with the beginning movements
It’s Easy: Pick a routine, change it up, create your own, follow the step by step tutorial
It’s Convenient: No more having to go to the health club. Simply turn on a TV show or music and bounce. It’s portable – access the app on your smartphone or notebook.
It’s Efficient: Schedule the alarm for the days you want to “Play In” and the time you want to be notified.
It’s Effective: As you advance, so will your routine and… so will the results!
It’s Safe: “Play In” in the convenience of your own home, at the office, or while you travel. You choose the environment and choose the routine best for you.
Welcome to MrRebounder™
Stay motivated as you see your accomplishments each time you finish a routine. Schedule your exercise sessions for the week using the MrRebounder™ notification feature. Pick your time and sound the alarm with a text alert. The objective is to have fun and reach your fitness goals. We all have a greater health potential and MrRebounder™ can help you reach yours!
Whether new to the world of rebounding or a dedicated enthusiast, MrRebounder™ offers programs to get the heart pumping, cells moving, circulation improving, energy flowing, stress relieving, immune system pumping, and body parts and functions operating toward their optimal levels. Choose from over 35 different pre-made routines or create your own. Now you can truly do it your way based upon “your” personal fitness objectives and preferences. Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced and Senior routines ranging from 2 min to over 20 min. or more.
With over 35 pre-made routines we offer approaches for all levels. And with MrRebounder™ with the push of a button you can clone one of our premade routines, alter it, and add or replace movements. Choose from 2 min to over 20 min. routines, change them up, make them shorter or longer, change the background and the music.
Personalize and add it to your own library.
Feeling a little Country, Rock-N-Roll, Pop, Latino, or Electronic. Use our pre-loaded music and change it up. Choose from 25 different tunes. With MrRebounder™ you can speed up each movement or slow them down to “your ” comfort level.
What’s your mood? Feeling close to the mountains, lakes, the beach, nature, trees, urban area, desert, grassy meadows…summer, winter, spring or fall…it’s your space, create it or change it…make it yours with over 22 background images you control.
With the MrRebounder™ App create your own routine. Pick from 25 different movements. Add the warmups, do aerobics for cardiovascular and weight loss, calisthenics for toning and strengthening, immune system building, lung capacity exercises, digestion/elimination movements and much more. Pick the time per movement, the number of repetitions, create different routines and save them to your library. Bottom line….flexibility. Work with one of our trainers, one of your own, or follow our training demo to do it yourself. It’s Fun!